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Ketua Program Studi Sarjana Rekayasa Kehutanan SITH-ITB

Video Profil Program Studi Sarjana Rekayasa Kehutanan

Sertifikat Akreditasi BAN-PT

Sertifikat Akreditasi Internasional dengan status “Accredited” IABEE

The Forestry Engineering Study Program was established in 2011 based on the Decree of the Rector of ITB dated December 29, 2011, Number 385/SK/I1.A/OT/2011 concerning the Establishment of the Forestry Engineering Study Program and the Establishment of the Agricultural Engineering Study Program at the School of Life Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung. The process of establishing the Forestry Engineering Study Program was based on the vision and mission of ITB and SITH as well as the Educational Program Development Strategy at ITB. The preparation process for the establishment of the study program has been carried out through studies conducted by the SITH task force team involving resource persons in the forestry sector, West Java forestry leaders, as well as lecturers from SITH and outside SITH.

Penerimaan mahasiswa baru Prodi Rekayasa Kehutanan dilakukan pertama kali pada tahun akademik 2012/2013. Prodi Rekayasa Kehutanan pertama kali meluluskan mahasiswanya pada wisuda ITB bulan Juli 2016 sebanyak 4 wisudawan. Pada tahun 2016 Prodi Rekayasa Kehutanan memperoleh akreditasi B dari BAN-PT berdasarkan Keputusan BAN-PT No. 0598/SK/BANPT/Ak-SURV/S/V/2016, tanggal 20 Mei 2016. Dalam proses akreditasi selanjutnya di tahun 2021, Prodi Rekayasa Kehutanan berhasil memperoleh predikat akreditasi Unggul dari BAN-PT berdasarkan keputusan BAN-PT No.10123/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/VIII/2021, tanggal 10 Agustus 2021. Pada tahun 2022 dalam proses akreditasi selanjutnya, Prodi Rekayasa Kehutanan memperoleh Akreditasi Internasional dengan status “Accredited” dalam disiplin “Agricultural and/or Bio-Systems Engineering in Bachelor Programs pada tahun 2022 dari IABEE yang diberikan pada tanggal 22 Februari 2023

Forests are natural infrastructure that provides important environmental services, including the provision of various commodities, both from the wood and non-wood groups. On the other hand, the high economic value of forest products is also a cause of disturbance to the sustainability of the forest itself. Forests that once covered more than 70% of Indonesia's land are now threatened by deforestation rates that exceed one hectare per year. This is exacerbated by the fact that the forestry curriculum has not been able to respond to the increasingly complex needs and challenges of forestry, especially in terms of optimizing utilization and ensuring the preservation and sustainability of forestry resources.

The facts mentioned above show that the biggest challenge in forestry education is the provision of human resources capable of protecting, manipulating, developing, and managing forests and all the products and services in them in a sustainable manner. This requires a new paradigm of forestry education that prioritizes the engineering aspects of forestry bioprocesses and biosystems.

The Forestry Engineering Study Program is expected to be the answer to the problems of Indonesian forest management. This study program covers strategic areas that are developed based on 10 (ten) basic concepts.These concepts represent a holistic perspective towards more environmentally sound and sustainable forest management.


Konsep Program Studi Rekayasa Kehutanan

By using these 10 concepts, the new study program of Forestry Engineering ITB can be said to be an integration between basic life sciences, forestry sciences, and engineering sciences. Through this integration, the study program will be able to answer issues related to forest ecosystem engineering, namely increasing the productivity of forest products, forest restoration, forest conservation, and protection. The ten concepts above are the basis for educational development to produce professional forest engineers who have the main ability to preserve forests, manipulate forests for sustainable use, and build/construct new forests.

The Forestry Engineering Undergraduate Program as one of the study programs of the School of Life Sciences and Technology (SITH) ITB, aims to produce superior forestry graduates who are reliable, resilient, and competent in facing the challenges of the forestry sector, and have applicative abilities in engineering ecosystems to protect, manipulate, building and managing forests in a sustainable manner along with the products and services contained therein.
